Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
I Love This Ad
Click the link below to play the clip
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
I'll Get You, My Pretty...
While Obama keeps campaigning, Hillary keeps plotting. Again, the key to the Clinton strategy, now that there will not be new primary elections to franchise those disenfranchised by Howard Dean, is superdelegates. ("Look, up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, no it Superdelegate")
With a presumable strong win in Pennsylvania and a decent win in Indiana, Hillary and her thugs will make a great case for her being a better candidate for the Democrats to take back the White House. Remember how every vote needed to count back in 2000? Not any more.
By "whining" and dining the superdelegates she will make her case that Obama can only win in states that are GOP strongholds anyway and that only she can deliver the states that really matter in a general election.
Check out this spin:
Mark Penn, Mrs Clinton’s chief strategist, said that Mr Obama’s victories in states such as Wyoming and Idaho will be essentially meaningless when it comes to a general election because they are Republican strongholds. Instead, the battlegrounds will be those states such as Ohio and Missouri, where polls suggest that Mrs Clinton has a better chance of victory.
Remember, it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Moment of Truth
I've got a way to make the election more fun. Reality T.V. Let's have some REAL campaign finance reform by forcing candidates to earn their campaign money. The venue: The Political Moment of Truth.
Just picture it - "Senator Clinton, for $2 million dollars, did you really, on your own, make a 10,000% profit on cattle futures?" "Senator Obama, are you really a Muslim sympathizer?" or "Was the deal to purchase your home legal?"
"For $1 million dollars, Senator McCain, do you consider yourself a Conservative?" or "Did you have an affair with Vicki Iseman?"
Ratings would be through the roof!! Advertising would go for MORE than the Super Bowl - the DNC and RNC can strike revenue sharing deals with the broadcast station (FOX, or course!) .... But best of all, we would, FOR THE FIRST TIME, get truthful answers from politicians. Wow.
And if that was the campaign fundraising method for future years, we would be raising a crop of decent people for elections in the future.
Ah... I guess I'm just ahead of my time.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Questions Raised Whether Clinton Ad Turned Obama into Thing
A controversial new Hillary Clinton attack ad caused an Internet stir Tuesday among critics who claim it initially deliberately darkened Barack Obama’s skin color then turned him into the Thing.
The buzz began earlier the day, when the liberal Web site DailyKos.com showed side-by-side-by-side screen grabs of Barack Obama taken during a debate with Clinton in Cleveland last week. The screen grab used in the ad showed a clearly darker-skinned Obama followed by some severe skin problems, prompting some to wonder if it was done to highlight his race or planetary origin.
Clinton spokesman Jay Carson responded initially by speculating the originally darkened image might have occurred as part of a normal “saturation-desaturation” process typical in commercial production. He said both Obama and Clinton have used that process in their ads, and denied any ulterior motive behind the campaign’s ad. As to why he looks like Thing, Carson responded with, "Who?"
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
FINALLY The True Straight Talk Express
Republican presidential hopeful Sen. John McCain almost called himself a liberal on Thursday, getting ahead of himself as he contrasted himself with the Democratic candidates.
“I’m a proud, conservative, liberal Republi- Hello! Easy there,” McCain said, laughing along with his audience at Texas Instruments Inc.
He corrected himself immediately. “Let me say this: I am a proud, conservative Republican, and both of my possible or likely opponents today are liberal Democrats.”
A “liberal” label is sometimes applied to McCain by conservative foes such as Limbaugh who dislike some of his moderate stances and his willingness to work with Democrats. Still, the Arizona senator has made inroads with many critics since becoming the GOP nominee-in-waiting.
McCain was answering a question about whether he would aggressively campaign against Democratic Sens. Barack Obama or Hillary Rodham Clinton.
“Yessir, I will, but I also want to say, I think Americans are a little bit tired of all these negative ads,” McCain said. “I want to assure you that I have in this primary, and in my past election campaigns, and in this one, I will conduct a respectful debate.”
Then he made one more slip: “Now, it’ll be dispirited — it’ll be spirited, because there are stark differences,” McCain said.
He concluded: “So there will be strong differences of views and policies in the future of America.”
source: http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/02/28/mccain-goofs-calls-himself-a-liberal/
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Silly Season
With the background din of her screeching that Obama gives good speeches and has no substance or experience (like she does!), you will soon see more and more attacks from Clinton Inc. Don't forget - these guys are good.
Don't be surprised to hear more Muslim allegations, discussion of his upbringing, of his beliefs. There will be character assassination of all sorts from drug use to sex. This lady is playing for her life! If she loses, she knows she's not going to get another shot a being Queen.
Recent polls show Texas is now a tie. Oh no. Hillary is depending on Texas and Ohio on March 4. Send in the big guns - "er, no Bill, you stay at home and bake cookies or have an affair or something. We'll call you when we need you."
Listen to the news - it's gonna get pretty silly really soon.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Another 4 Years of Bill?
In a conference call Saturday, the longtime Democratic Party member contended the DNC should reconsider its tough sanctions on the two states, which held early contests in violation of party rules. He said millions of voters in Michigan and Florida would be otherwise disenfranchised - before acknowledging moments later that he had favored the sanctions.
Hillary is hurting and everybody, including the Clintons, knows it. There only hope is to either use super delegates OR change the rules. Given the fact that there are rumblings amongst the super delegates toward Obama now (and lots of cash going their way as well) and the Clintons are masterful at using the system - they will fight in the courts to make Florida's primary count as a win for Hillary. As a fall back position, they will use the disenfranchised card and go for a new primary to shore up the delegates. Ditto for Michigan.
It will still be interesting in that from the time of the FL and MI primary to now Obama has had a groundswell. She could STILL lose. Stay tuned.
Speaking of wishful thinking, did any of you hear Bill give his "vote for me" speech this week? He was in El Paso on Wednesday and said: "I think about coming here 35 years ago. I was working for the Democratic National Committee and I was going along the border, registering voters and we had the greatest time," Clinton told the crowd. "Well, here I am in Texas again and I am asking the children of those voters to vote for me."
Isn't that rich? Could it be he's spilled the beans?
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
An Obamanation
Now all Obama needs to do is hammer all the similarities between himself and McCain to guarantee his win in November. By showing the similarities people will vote for Obama because he’s eloquent, easier on the eyes and ears, and he’s for “hope”.
On the flip side, McCain needs to hammer home the differences between Obama’s liberal ideas and his conservative ideas (assuming he’s going to buy into them). It’s got to be about ideas. And he’s going to have to show passion about those ideas (“Stuntman!”)
The bottom line: McCain can’t compete in speech style. His speeches are boring compared to the theatrical excitement of Obama’s rhetoric and style. It’s got to be about ideas. Period.
If not, the whole election will just be an “obamanation”.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Bad Mouthing the Liberal Messiah
What could possibly stick when you are showing faults and raising doubts about this new liberal messiah? Nothing.
Hillary is going to find that every negative ad, every negative raised in a speech, will backlash and ultimately have a negative impact on her campaign. Obama is the new Teflon Kid.
Even women love him - a voting segment that Hillary was depending on. Heads of the Women's Movement are even coming out for Obama. Poor Hillary.
Don't fret the lady. She'll still pull it off with the help of Clinton Inc. I wouldn't put it past them to challenge in court, for instance, the Dem decision to not count delegates in FL. If that decision is, in fact, overturned, she gets all the FL delegates (after all Obama played by the rules and ignored the state) and it could make the difference. Then, of course, there are those pesky super delegates.
One way or the other she will get that nomination. What it will do for her chances to get elected in the general election, and to the Democratic Party, will not be positive. GO HILLARY !!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
You ain't seen nothin' yet.
The Democratic Convention is going to be the next Mt. St. Helens eruption.
Neither Obama nor Hillary will have the needed delegates for the nomination. Enter the "Super Delegates" - no, not super heroes but super political hacks. Members deeply entrenched in the Democratic Party. The worst of the worst. These super delegates (796 total) will most likely be called upon to break the tie.
Obama will probably lead in delegates and Hillary will get the nomination. Whoa.... That She Blows!!!
As of 2/10/08...Delegates..........Super Delegates.........TOTAL (2025 needed)
Can you imagine the rhetoric? "The racist Democratic Party wrestles the nomination away from Obama." "Not since 2000 have we seen such voter disenfranchisement." "Obama supportes vow to sit out the November election."
Having McCain as the nominee for the elephants is definitely the dark cloud but the upcoming dem eruption could be downright fun! (Hey McCain, you're liberal enough... why don't you put damaged-goods Obama on the ticket as your VP?)
MY pick for Veep is Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. If you don't know him, check out this interview:
Limbaugh interviews Bobby Jindal
Jindal would bring in the conservatives.
Jindal would help deliver the South
Jindal would show the nation that the GOP is progressive too with a black ("person of color") on the ticket
Just my $0.02 - - keep the change
Friday, February 8, 2008
Yes, we can!
Brothers and Sisters... it is so good to see you all here tonight. We gather to show the world that Change is Alive...... Hope is Alive..... Do not despair because tonight, I tell you from the very depths of my soul... Yes, we can!
Our message has resounded from the blue states to the red, from the wealthy to the needy, from the educated to those in desperate need for help getting a decent education, from those with adequate healthcare to those who desperately need healthcare.... To you all I say, Yes, we can!
This is a wonderful country but we are all a part of a global community. We are all connected. We all must exist together, talk together, protect our environment together, care for each other.... Yes, we can!
This primary season has been filled with good times. It’s been so wonderful meeting with the mothers and fathers of this nation. The workers - the people who make this country tick. But the clock is ticking my friends, we have more states to go.... we have a nation to fix.... We have people to heal.... Yes, we can!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Poop, Crap, or Excrement
What a dilema we find ourselves in... Obama, Clinton, McCain. Poop, Crap, or Excrement. Yum - what should I pick? They all look so yummy!!!
Rusty Humphries this evening had a contest to see who could give the best Obama speech (I seriously think someone should check his heritage as he may just be the anti Christ). It was hilarious. It speaks so eloquently and says absolutely - and I mean ABSOLUTELY - nothing. And he has become the equivalent to a rock star. People have been quoted to say, "I am following Obama"
And a star burned brightly over the little city of Chicago. The people followed and found the little baby Obama - savior of the donkey and all the land.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
"Bummer, dude"
I just HAVE to share this great post I found on politico.com this morning on the attributes of Queen Hillary. Enjoy.
Hillary Clinton has been telling America that she is the most qualified candidate for president based on her 'record,' which she says includes her eight years in the White House as First Lady - or 'co-president' - and her seven years in the Senate. Here is a reminder of what that record includes: - As First Lady, Hillary assumed authority over Health Care Reform, a process that cost the taxpayers over $13 million. She told both Bill Bradley and Patrick Moynihan, key votes needed to pass her legislation, that she would 'demonize' anyone who opposed it. But it was opposed; she couldn't even get it to a vote in a Congress controlled by her own party. (And in the next election, her party lost control of both the House and Senate.)
Hillary assumed authority over selecting a female Attorney General. Her first two recommendations, Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood, were forced to withdraw their names from consideration. She then chose Janet Reno. Janet Reno has since been described by Bill himself as 'my worst mistake.'
Hillary recommended Lani Guanier for head of the Civil Rights Commission. When Guanier's radical views became known, her name had to be withdrawn.
Hillary recommended her former law partners, Web Hubbell, Vince Foster, and William Kennedy for positions in the Justice Department, White House staff, and the Treasury, respectively. Hubbell was later imprisoned, Foster committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign.
Hillary also recommended a close friend of the Clintons, Craig Livingstone, for the position of director of White House security. When Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of up to 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (“Filegate”) and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, both Hillary and her husband denied knowing him. FBI agent Dennis Sculimbrene confirmed in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in 1996, both the drug use and Hillary's involvement in hiring Livingstone. After that, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office, after serving seven presidents for over thirty years.
In order to open “slots” in the White House for her friends the Thomasons (to whom millions of dollars in travel contracts could be awarded), Hillary had the entire staff of the White House Travel Office fired; they were reported to the FBI for 'gross mismanagement' and their reputations ruined. After a thirty-month investigation, only one, Billy Dale, was charged with a crime - mixing personal money with White House funds when he cashed checks. The jury acquitted him in less than two hours.
Another of Hillary's assumed duties was directing the 'bimbo eruption squad' and scandal defense: ---- She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit. ---- She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor. After $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr's investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs. ---- Then they had to settle with Paula Jones after all. ---- And Bill lost his law license for lying to the grand jury ---- And Bill was impeached by the House. ---- And Hillary almost got herself indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice (she avoided it mostly because she repeated, 'I do not recall,' 'I have no recollection,' and 'I don't know' 56 times under oath).
Hillary wrote 'It Takes a Village,' demonstrating her Socialist viewpoint. - Hillary decided to seek election to the Senate in a state she had never lived in. Her husband pardoned FALN terrorists in order to get Latino support and the New Square Hassidim to get Jewish support. Hillary also had Bill pardon her brother's clients, for a small fee, to get financial support. - Then Hillary left the White House, but later had to return $200,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork she had stolen.
In the campaign for the Senate, Hillary played the 'woman card' by portraying her opponent (Lazio) as a bully picking on her. - Hillary's husband further protected her by asking the National Archives to withhold from the public until 2012 many records of their time in the White House, including much of Hillary's correspondence and her calendars. (There are ongoing lawsuits to force the release of those records.)
As the junior Senator from New York, Hillary has passed no major legislation. She has deferred to the senior Senator (Schumer) to tend to the needs of New Yorkers, even on the hot issue of medical problems of workers involved in the cleanup of Ground Zero after 9/11.
Hillary's one notable vote; supporting the plan to invade Iraq, she has since disavowed. Quite a resume’. Sounds more like an organized crime family’s rap sheet.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Heeeeeere's Hillary
Gingrich: 'We need to shrug off McCain... he is likely to be the nominee... McCain is well positioned as reformer against a machine politician like Hillary... Obama most left wing candidate to run since McGovern'...
Even Bob Dole got in the act saying a table from the Senate Library shows that McCain’s voting record — as measured by support for the president — mirrored that of the ultra- conservative former U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms and that he is pro-life, pro-guns, an advocate for constructionist judges...
But look what he also stands for: amnesty for illegals, not making the Bush tax cuts permanent, infringing on free speech in political campaigns, and making pacts with other devils such as Kennedy and Feingold.
On the other side we have Robert De Niro endorsing Obama and Jack Nicholson endorsing Hillary. Can't you just see Hillary playing that Nicholson role? "Heeeeeere's Hillary!"
There was some encouraging news today, the Zogby polling shows Romney ahead in California and his lead growing. He is saturating the TV and radio in the Central Valley with some very good ads, BTW. Everybody say your prayers for a truly SUPER Tuesday.
Don't forget to vote often tomorrow.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
Selling Your Soul to the Devil
Think about what he is doing.... He is staying in the race getting perhaps a 10-15% (at best) of the vote. He says he is in it to win and is optimistic and "looking for a miracle". But let's examine his strategy.
Who exactly is he trying to beat? If he TRULY is in it to win, wouldn't he be trying to show the differences between him and the frontrunner (McCain)? Wouldn't the speeches and the ads all point to why folks should vote for him instead of Johnny Mac? Of course they should.
But are they?
NO. He is running against Romney. An interesting strategy, perhaps. One that would show up Rudy's brilliant strategy.
He has sold his soul to the devil and is working with McCain trying to continue to take votes away from, and discredit, Romney. Pure and simple. He's as slimey as a Clinton.
Mike, there's a special place in Hell for you.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Scared Straight
Hillary and Obama offering to use the government to fix everything from banking to healthcare. And I mean everything.
But the reality of the situation really sank in when Hillary proudly exclaimed "We are going to change our country." It was downright eerie.
I immediately flashed forward to an America run by Obama or Hillary and I truly felt a twang of panic.
I was "scared straight".
As of right now I am leaning for the holding of my nose and voting for McCain if he become the GOP candidate. Good ol' Ann Coulter isn't. She's using the same argument about McCain being the same as the Dems so why not avoid the Republican blame.
I'm praying for a miracle.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Springtime for Hitler
That what Johnny Mac is doing. Hey Huckabilly, stay in the race and suck off the conservatives from Romney and you can be my vice president. Hey Rudy, endorse me and you can be my vice president.
Too bad Johnny's probably gonna pick someone like Lieberman!!
- and you see the way the Press LOVES Johnny right now. Mark my words, when he is the GOP candidate you will see them turn like mayonnaise on a hot day. They will be dredging up all sorts of McCain's skeletons.
The question still remains - if McCain wins, who do I vote for? Do I hold my nose and vote against Hillary/Barack in hopes that Johnny's conservative speeches may have rubbed off on him in the last 3 weeks -OR- do I vote for "none of the above"? Do I really want the disaster caused by McCain blamed on the Republican Party?
Monday, January 28, 2008
McCain Golden-boy Crap
And with the passing of McCain-Feingold, Romney could not run an ad within 30 days of the election in FL to refute McCain's lie. What a sly use of his own legislation.
All the major newspapers are endorsing McCain. What does that tell you? And the press is displaying folks saying McCain is the only electable candidate on the GOP ticket. What does that tell you? And the head of the DNC says McCain is the most feared candidate. What does that tell you. Yep, the Dems want McCain to run against their candidate.
When a GOP candidate is similar to the Dem in a presidential election, they NEVER win. The only time the GOP wins is when there is an appreciable difference in views and solutions between their candidate and the Dems. Think about it, about 30% of the country is liberal and 30% conservative. If the GOP runs a RINO and the 30% GOP base stays home or votes for the independent or libertarian, duh... no rocket science here Don't buy into all this McCain golden-boy CRAP.
Will the Kennedy endorsement be the ultimate death blow to the Osama Obama campaign. Do people outside the left and right coasts really want someone that liberal? And Kennedy has been oh so effective endorsing Gore and Kerry.
And here's my last thought for the day. I predict that White Americans will ultimately not vote for a black or a woman for president. When it actually comes time to punch a chad or pull a lever for the President of the United States, the decision will mean so much more than answering a pollster or voting in a primary. Hey, I would vote for a good black or female conservative, but I just have this feeling that meat n potatos middle Americans will have a hard time voting for Obama or Clinton when it comes down to it.
Perhaps it is just wishful thinking. But in the case of any Dem candidate against McCain, there is no wish - just a nightmare for America's future.
Friday, January 25, 2008
The Check Is In The Mail
"She and John McCain are very close," Clinton said. "They always laugh that if they wound up being the nominees of their party, it would be the most civilized election in American history, and they're afraid they'd put the voters to sleep because they like and respect each other."
What a ploy. "America, lets get the election civil again by voting in McCain and Her Thighness". (of course he and the MSM know Hillary would win - that's why they want the matchup). Is it no surprise that all the big newspapers are endorsing McCain to run against Hill or Barack (they're both trhe same anyway). When the dust clears and it turns out to be McCain against the Dem (please Lord, no!) do you really think the papers will endorse McCain? Of course not.
Now a note about the Economic Stimulus Package. Can you say ELECTION GIFT? This emergency legislation will move at the federal government's typical lightning speed with the checks showing up between the end of May through August. What exactly will it be stimulating during the summer is anybody's guess.
And aren't rebates supposed to be money back for something you put money toward? Do you think I could get a $500 rebate on a big screen TV I never purchased? Only if I bought it at U.S. Government Electronics store. People who have not paid any income taxes will be getting an income tax rebate. That's not a stimulus package, that's welfare.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Say it ain't so...
Today Dennis Kucinich threw in the towel. ::sniff sniff::
Okay, enough of that. It looks like the field is narrowing down to 2 Demo-rats and 2 Republicans (well make that 1 Republican and 1 RINO). Hillary (with the help of her henchman husband) and Obama continue to duke it out in South Carolina (Bill's territory as Hillary got on the plane leaving him behind) and Florida. This is going to be really interesting. If these 2 polarize the Dem party, Edwards can be the deal maker in a brokered convention. He needs to bring about 15% delegate count to the table. Not looking so good right now but there's still time if he can come out looking like the white knight amidst the 2 contestants in the WWF.
The Huckster is pretty much toast as his money is drying up in a hurry. Rudy is on the ropes and will probably be in the toast (not quite toast, yet) after a terrible show in Florida.
The McCaniac is getting a bit better at generating money but can't compete against a guy who has a never-ending barrel of cash from his personal piggy bank. The only thing stopping Mitt is his wife and kids screaming that he's spending their inheritance!
We'll have to keep an eye on Super Tuesday. McCain can turn out to be a Huckabee-like flash in the pan (even though he is the MSM darling) or a viable foe for Romney.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Have you heard the one about the insane Hunter?
He talked about voting against the bill which would make declaring bankruptcy more difficult and put down Edwards and Clinton for voting for it. He wants to tax everybody (well, everybody but the po' fok). Taxing the oil companies for this and the pharmaceutical companies for that and the insurance companies for the other. Yikes.
Then he talked a bit about Bush's "crazy" idea of privatizing social security. He asked the crowd how they would like to have their retirement dollars invested in today's stock market. Of course the ignorant crowd screamed, "NO." How wrong they are... Excuse me Obama, do you have your retirement dollars invested in the stock market? Hell yeah.
To point at this extremely volatile market as an illustration of how bad privatization is is downright criminal for many reasons. First, your investment would be in index funds reflecting the general market and would be moved to more conservative investments as you moved closer to retirement age. By the time you were ready to retire, all your funds should be in cash equivalents with, perhaps, a small percentage of bonds and equities. Secondly, when you die, the remaining money goes to your beneficiaries. That is the REAL reason liberals will never allow privatization. Middle class and wealthy people pay a hell of a lot more into the system than they get out - and when they die, their spouse gets some spare change and the government keeps the pot of money.
Speaking of sound economic sense, Rush Limbaugh has gotten into the swing of things. He has recently published 2 options for an economic stimulus package:
"The Limbaugh stimulus package will pay all mortgages, credit card bills, car loans, and teenaged kids' overages on minutes used for text messaging. This is easy. I could get elected tomorrow!"
The Limbaugh stimulus package: Wipe out all overdue mortgage and credit card debt. Pass a law that the DOW can't fall below 11,000. Since work stress kills, nobody will have to work -- but they'll keep their current income with yearly raises for inflation, with full health care and Social Security.
The scary thing is, I think Rush stole these from Obama...
And what's this about Duncan Hunter? Has the man gone insane?
Hunter came out today with an endorsement of the Huckabilly. He mentioned integrity and immigration control (on which he changed his stance only recently). Duncan, what about the guys liberal big government tax and spend positions and his wish to build a theocracy? The campaign trail has done irreparable harm to poor Duncan.
It's up to Mitt to save the country.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Taking Bill out to the Woodshed
The big difference, and excellent way of thinking on the part of Romney, is that he was thinking outside the box. While all the others were creating designer bandaids (manufactured by the less than efficient Federal Government bandaid plant) Mitt was creating a solution. All the others were short term temporary fixes. Mitt's plan was permanent tax cuts over several years. This guy knows how to think.
I heard a discussion that Romney was, perhaps, too handsome to get elected. Never heard that one before. Letterman last night said he looked like the closer at the Cadillac dealership. I actually laughed out loud at that one.
My last pearl is the involvement of Bill in the Hill fight. It really is 2 against 1. I've got the perfect remedy. Michelle Obama should challenge William Jefferson Clinton to a debate (you thought I was gonna say duel, didn't ya?).
Barack's wife could definitely hold her own. She could effortlessly spit back the same crap that he lobs at her. He cries, she cries. She gets angry, he gets angry. He bites his lower lip, he bites her lower lip - - but I digress.
If Bill wins - big effing deal... he beat a girl. But if Michelle wins - whoooeee... is he gonna get a whoppin' from Hillary.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Thar She Blows
The nerve... Talk about the pot calling the kettle black (no pun intended - -really!)... Hillary calling Obama a liar - saying he is misrepresenting his votes and experience. Give me a break.
Sort of funny that she throws the upper cut with the accusation of Obama representing a Chicago slumlord and his puny comeback punch was "Oh yeah? Well you're a Corporate lawyer for anti-union Wal*Mart."
Then Reagan got dragged through the mud with B. Hussein defending his Reagan comment only to have Hillary innocently say "It wasn't me." Sure, it was Big Bill the Henchman - the newly-assigned pitbull and mouthpiece for Hillary.
Speaking of Bill, have you seen the video of him falling asleep during the MLK ceremonies? I'm sure you'll be hearing he's been fighting the flu or something like that as a cover to the true story. But the funniest part is when his head, propped by his hand, does the ol' head nod down toward his lap and he catches himself and snaps his head back and then forward and back again to make it look like he is acknowledging the speaker's comment. Only thing is, I didn't hear anything to acknowledge. But I digress...
The poor little rich lawyer was so out of the picture at the debate. He had to fight for some airtime.
"Why would you over 100 times vote present?" Edwards pointedly challenged Obama (in reference to his Illinois voting record). Obama's response was "Don't question, John, that on issue after issue that is important to the American people, I haven't followed. I have led." I wish I knew where voting "Present" led us to...
I heard a bit of a Hillary speech in Florida on XM Radio's POTUS '08 channel. I cringe. The currency printing presses will be burning up if she gets in the White House. We all know about Universal Health Care but she also wants Universal Preschool (to give out flavored condoms to 5 year olds?) and to give everyone about $800 to pay for their high energy costs. She also wants to freeze the interest rate on mortgages for 5 years (you can tell she never had a real job!). The list went on and on - I had to change the channel and go back to Classic Rock for a cool down period. I must admit, it is extremely dangerous to listen to a liberal while driving.
Today Rush Limbaugh actually admitted that there is a possibility that he wouldn't vote for the Republican candidate on the ticket for the first time ever for him. I know what he means. I think my Fred bumper sticker is only relevant for another 2 weeks at the most. Maybe I need to get some anti-John McManiac or anti-Huckabilly stickers made.
Mitt is my second choice and he is still looking good. REAL Republicans just should not be voting for those "moderate" slimeballs. Rudy? Well, I think he's toast. He may make it on the veep side of a ticket, though. It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Where are the Republicans?
Headlines recently pronounced that moderates propelled McCain to #1 in South Carolina. Why are these moderates voting in a GOP primary? Would they truly prefer Obama or Clinton in a general election but since they are registered Republican they vote for McCain and Huckabee (#1 and #2 in SC). After all, why vote for the watered down liberal when you could have the real thing! At least Fred had a respectable third place finish. I really hope he doesn't drop out just yet (especially since I just put on my bumper sticker!).
Another interesting thought is all the fuss with Romney and Mormonism. I think people fear that he might get in office and try to set up a theocracy. YET... evangelicals are voting for Huckabee in the hopes that he DOES set up a theocracy. Kinda weird, huh?
Bill recently said that people have stopped dancing on Hillary's grave. As long as she is truly in the grave I, personally, would have no need to dance.
Friday, January 18, 2008
I'll Get You... and your little dog too!
The Clinton administration has been notorious for not releasing records from the 8 years of whoopee at the White House. Judicial Watch finally slightly cracked the cone of silence as they got their hands on documents related to Hillary's famous Healthcare Task Force.
In a "Confidential" May 26, 1993 Memorandum from Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) to Hillary Clinton entitled, "Health Care Reform Communications," which criticizes the Task Force as a "secret cabal of Washington policy 'wonks'" that has engaged in "choking off information" from the public regarding health care reform. The memorandum suggests that Hillary Clinton "use classic opposition research" to attack those who were excluded by the Clinton Administration from Task Force deliberations and to "expose lifestyles, tactics and motives of lobbyists" in order to deflect criticism. Senator Rockefeller also suggested news organizations "are anxious and willing to receive guidance [from the Clinton Administration] on how to time and shape their [news] coverage."
Ever wonder why Hillary had all those FBI files? Just gettin' a little background information on her critics to threaten them with making their private lives public if they get in her way.
And check out the line about the MSM - who says they aren't the puppets and mouthpieces of the liberal demorats?
Obama may be more liberal than Hillary but Hillary is a lot scarier. What a witch (with a "b"). This November is Judgement Day for the U.S.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Poor Hillary - "I Don't Get No Respect"
Poor Hillary Rodham Dangerfield...
The whole race thing is, quite frankly, getting out of control. A Colorado businessman was forced to apologize yesterday after a joke about Illinois Sen. Barack Obama fell flat during a banquet.
While pretending to read telegrams congratulating their award recipient, the businessman pulled out a piece of paper and said, "I have a telegram from the White House."
Then he added, "They're going to have to change the name of that building if Obama's elected."
Badump bump. Ting.Bad taste and not funny. (oh those wacky businessmen - probably a Republican).
What if it comes down to Hillary versus the McCainiac? I heard an interesting perspective this morning. If those are the choices (essentially no choice at all), might it be better to vote for Hillary so that when the country implodes (as it would under either of those 2 wonderful people) the Republicans are not blamed.
hmmm.... something to ponder.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
"... and you Sir, are no Ronald Reagan!"
Here's an excerpt from Ben Smith's article at politico.com:
Obama, in his interview with the Reno Gazette-Journal's editorial board, made the case that his movement is as much about a national moment as about him as a "singular" individual, and he drew a rather odd analogy for a Democrat: Ronald Reagan.
"Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not, and a way that Bill Clinton did not," he said, describing Reagan as appealing to a sentiment that, "We want clarity, we want optimism, we want a return to that sense of dynamism and entrepreneurship that had been missing."
Later, he also compared the moment, in passing, to the one that produced President Kennedy.
I'm sorry Mr. Obama, but you're forgetting one important thing that Americans wanted with Reagan: CONSERVATIVISM To want someone who solely has clarity, optimism, and is charismatic is paramount to Adolph Hitler's rise to power. SUBSTANCE MATTERS (hey, that's a good bumper sticker) Obama just doesn't understand that.I read recently that Obama has been in the Senate for 3 years and has only been slightly involved with one piece of legislation while essentially running for president during those 3 years. During his previous time in the Illinois legislature, he had the bizarre habit of voting "present" instead of yay or nay on bills. Is it that he doesn't know how to vote or he knows very well how to vote but doesn't want us to know?
Scary man.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Vote Right
The Huckster was off the map with 16%. Is he going to pull out? Will McCain pull out due to this poor showing? That's what the MSM would have reported if Mitt came in second or third. But when a luke warm mealy-mouthed RINO wins, they just about wet their pants.
Why isn't Romney being portrayed as the comeback kid?
Without the independent, moderates, and even Democrats voting in IA and NH McCain and the Huckster would never have won. Now we will see primaries where Republicans get to vote for Republicans and the picture will look much different. The Huckster isn't long for this world. I think McCain might fade, albeit more slowly, over time. And don't pee your pants if Fred has a better showing in SC.
I got to hear Fred's wife on the radio tonight. What a class act - puts Hillary to shame. Fred is a good guy and a true conservative. He wrote position papers on the major issues before deciding to run. The trouble is Americans don't want to hear facts - just the catchy soundbites.
With Huckabee and McCain out of the way, perhaps we will finally see some conservative numbers. And what in the world happened to Rudy? His big state strategy was a real loser. He can't gain momentum now. His only hope was getting votes from the independents and so-called moderates and now Huckster and McCain have cornered that market. No big loss.
What is the difference between McCain and B. Hussein anyway? Essentially the same. And Hillary and McCain are essentially the same with the same attitude and bad temper. Yuck.
I hope tonight was the start of some good news.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Downright Laughable
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Black versus Black
- and I thought that Bill Clinton was the first black President.
Hollyweird is now torn 'tween Osama Obama and Hillary. We may be seeing the makings of a civil race war amongst the libs. It's definitely a lot more fun when it's not just Hillary as the heir apparent to the Democratic nomination. Sure, they're both liberal enough, but Obama is so "dreamy". Never has a man said so much and said so little.
We also have some sniping going on in the GOP race. There have been some good zingers between Fred and the RINO Huckster. Fred so much as said there is no difference between Hucksters policies and a liberal Democrat. hehehehe Go get 'im Fred (even though your candidacy is on life support). Mitt and Angry John are going at it as well. Rudy appear to have slid off the page completely. What's going on there? Things are happening so fast in this Silly Season... Toto, now I know we're not in Kansas anymore!"
Let's digress to California for a minute. Ahnold totally loses fiscal control of Sacramento then puts on his conservative hat to say no more taxes (while proposing taxes in the form of "fees") and proposing a need to cut 10% across the board on the state budget. People are fuming. Y'know, the deficit is about where it was when Grayout Davis was recalled. Don't be surprised to see petitions to have Ahnold recalled and then Rob Reiner run for Governor.
Many State parks are being proposed for closure and folks are angry. I looked at the proposed closure list. I only even heard of about 2 or 3 out of about 30. I guess it's the principle of the thing with libs. Spend, Spend, Spend and when you run out of money don't tighten the belt, just reach your hand into everyone's pocket for more. After all, we're not putting in our fair share.
Excuse me while I puke.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
No, I'm not talking about water boarding I'm talking about this campaign season and the silly debates. Is it just me? We are a society of sound bites. The smart folk are passed up as boring and the quirky dweebs with the sound bites and the nonsensical psycho babble are seen as geniuses.
I don't want to hear the word "change" anymore. It's become a bad word. VOTE FOR CHANGE TIME FOR CHANGE I'M THE TRUE AGENT OF CHANGE ... PUKE
At least Guilly had the guts to say that change by itself is nothing. For some reason, voters have been convinced that if a candidate isn't for something totally different, they are no damn good.
Heck, Romney is a Mormon - that's change!
There are so many candidates who think you need government programs to make a difference. It's sickening. And they all talk like they are dictators who can get all these great things done because they believe it. Er, excuse me, Congress makes the laws sir.
I'm still a Fred Thompson fan. I can't stand McCain and I think he is in the same league as all 3 Dem candidates. 'Don't give Fred much hope though. It was encouraging to hear that the Fox News focus group thought Fred won the SC debate - but, hey, it's Fox. We report it our way so you decide our way - isn't that what libs think?
I could live with Fred, Mitt, or Guilly. I dread the Huckster, Paul, McCain and all the Dems.
Interesting that Kucinich wants a recount in NH - not so much for him but 'cause the results were screwy compared to the polls. He'd have to pay for it though and liberals don't like paying for anything with their own money.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Paging Dr. Frankenstein
Bill went on to say he can't make her younger, taller or male. Someone DID point out that he can make her single if he keeps talking like that!
In the meantime, Hillary was parading around telling everyone that Obama wasn't JFK or Martin Luther King. And - the bruising blow was when a member in her audience yelled out "Iron my shirt!". Maybe he felt sorry for her and her crocodile tears when she said how hard it is to campaign. The poor guy was trying to make it easier on her by offering some small domestic chores.
I wish Fred Thompson could get his act together. He is a good guy, a true conservative, and has good ideas. Unfortunately he's not the best at expressing them with today's needed soundbites. Where is Dr. Frankenstein when we need him? Thompson's brain with Obama's eloquence and personality would be a good fit.
With Fred a distant 4th or 5th, it's going to have to be Romney. He had a great Fox News debate performance after getting beat up on the ABC debate by those GOP thugs.
Early votes are in from Dixville Notch and Hillary didn't get a single vote. What's that noise? There are no volcanoes in Visalia...
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Scary candidates and dead computers
Now, a few observations from last night's ABC/Facebook NH Debate. First, John McCain and Hillary Clinton have serious mean streaks. Have you noticed that after McCain is mean he smiles as if to sell it as a joke and not be held accountable for his comment. Sorry Johnny, I don't buy it. I would not want you representing the United States in any serious negotiation or crisis. And Hillary... she showed a glimpse into her lamp-throwing mode last night. That lady is downright scary. If she is not the Dem candidate, she will melt down and go ballistic.
The second thing I noticed was how the Dems went after Obama as a team. He is the leader right now and must be knocked off the log. The Republicans, however, went after Romney even though Huckabee is the frontrunner. Is this a sign that none of the other candidates take his win seriously?
Lastly, last night I noticed that NONE of the Dem candidates are presidential. I can not see any one of them as President. Obama puts on a good show but if you dissect his statements, he says nothing. Edwards and Obama are fluff and Hillary is less than that. And where does she get that "35 years of experience" line she used about 5 or 6 times? I guess if you say it long enough people will believe it. 35 years ago she was what, 25 years old. Was she a volunteer on some candidates campaign putting flyers on doorknobs? She's not a nice person (sorry Obama, she is not "nice enough").
I disapprove of Fox News not allowing Ron Paul on their debate. The other candidates should not participate. Paul is a bit of a kook but he got 10% in IA and has some good ideas. Fox claims the debate would be recorded from a trailer and there was no room for more candidates. Fox not able to afford a bigger space - come on! CNN is rerunning the ABC/Facebook debate against the Fox GOP debate. I can't blame them.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Worse or "Worser"
It made me think. If, in fact, that was the only choice I guess I'd have to pick Obama. Really, neither is very different from the other. Both essentially socialists thinking that the only solution is using the government and believing that it is the government duty to redistribute wealth to those who are not as well off as those who worked their way to wealth and prosperity.
I would have to go with Obama. Why? Inexperience. I would hope that a first-term Senator would not be able to forge alliances and would bumble and fumble in trying to get his agenda through. That would be this country's only hope - to have the House and Senate effectively stop the Obama agenda day in and day out.
Clinton, Inc. would be a lot more effective either convincing votes, extorting votes, or flat out killing the competition. Conspiracy theories anyone?
If Obama or Hillary won, my druthers would be to pinch myself and find out it was only a nightmare.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Riders on the Storm
We listened a bit to the XM radio channel for San Francisco weather and traffic conditions. It sounded like the soundtrack to The Day After Tomorrow. This route closed due to flooding, this one due to a gasoline spill, these closed due to fallen trees, BART not running due to trees on the tracks, and on and on...
It was nice to make it home safely and rest in my recliner. Focusing on driving in a rainstorm with limited visibility takes a lot out of you.
We also got a chance to listen a bit to the Iowa postmortem discussions. It was especially interesting to hear the replaying of Hillary's speech where she was so excited how energized the Democrats in Iowa were.... yeah, right! She was most likely fuming inside at the dumb idiots of Iowa who couldn't get it right.
There was also discussion on how the Democrats in Iowa, who are 95% white, voted overwhelmingly for Osama Obama, a black man. Where are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton? They should be happy happy happy.
Actually not. If a black man wins the nomination - or the presidency - how can they still call the U.S. a racist nation?
By the way, how is it that when the press and other Dem candidates asked hard questions and asked for answers of Hillary they were piling on and picking on a woman but when Hillary and the Dem candidates pick on Obama it is not racism?
Ron Paul getting 10% was pretty significant. I hear ABC is now going to let him into the debates. Kucinich is not allowed and is making a big fuss, BTW.
I enjoy the sound of rain on the roof.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Why the government sucks
I met with a client today. 80 years old with some significant health issues. She and her husband, in their heyday, worked about 40 acres of stone fruit trees and a family-owned packing house. Life was good. Life was simple. Their labor force was well compensated and their laborers appreciated them.
Play it forward. Husband dies. The family home is on a 20-acre parcel and she would like to have the opportunity to sell the agricultural land and keep the house. That’s where the Williamson Act comes in. To split the parcel into a 2-acre lot with house (so she can pass it on to the kids) and an 18-acre agricultural lot (for possible future sale) she has to pay the State extortion money. Big time extortion money. Over 2 years and $45,000 later the parcels are split.
Packing fruit used to be a relatively simple and lucrative endeavor. Now with government interference with everything from labor codes to a need to purchase expensive machines to put individual labels on each piece of fruit, many couldn’t survive. Fruit is now picked and more than 50% of the gross profit is then spent on packing house services offered by those select companies that jumped through the bureaucratic hoops and get the compensation for doing it. Now, for each dollar’s gross profit for the fruit (after labor, pesticides, fertilizer, etc.) the grower gets about 43 cents net. What’s wrong with this picture?
I’d like to throw the politicians out into the ag fields for a year or two. Perhaps their perspective would change. Hats off to the family farmer – one of the true endangered species.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Year's Day
I woke this morning to a cup of coffee and the Rose Bowl Parade on TV. I don’t know why the announcers think they have to talk constantly with drivel commentary. The parade never ceases to amaze me. From the flowers and “organic material” to the technology - to the figure of how many thousands of gallons of glue that was used.
This afternoon we experienced our first southern Shrimp Boil. Pretty cool. One of those giant pots that you use for deep frying a turkey on a propane flame and filled with water and Cajun spices. You then systematically add potatoes, onions, sausage, small cobs of corn, and jumbo prawns. You’re supposed to dump it all out onto newspaper when done and eat with your hands. We ate with our hands but used plates (how civil).
Then after stuffing our faces at New Years party #1 we were invited to Jonesy’s house (a native of
Y’know, I didn’t really follow the news at all today. It’s a holiday and I took it. Wednesday it’s back to the grindstone for a day then on to the San Francisco Bay Area to visit my near 90-year-old mom and other family. We all need to be nicer to our parents. As they grow older they become more needy – both physically and emotionally. We tend to never find the time to even call them (remember the old Cats in the Cradle song by Harry Chapin?). I, for one, will try to do better in 2008 as this may be the year my mom leaves us. Stop reading right now and call your folks. That’s an order!
Buckle your seatbelts it's 2008
Where did 2007 go? It always seems that just when I finally get in the habit of getting the year right on my checks the year changes.
On the local front, we’ve had
Let ‘er rip. Let’s all see what Iowa starts… Wishes to you all for a HAPPY, HEALTHY, AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.