Monday, January 28, 2008

McCain Golden-boy Crap

What an interesting weekend... Let's start with McCain - knowing that the issue has switched to the economy and that is not his strong suit (did you hear the debate question when he pretty much flat out denied ever stating that he wasn't well versed on economics?) he is trying hard to switch the subject. He flat out lied about Romney having a timetable for an Iraq exit "similar to Hillary". He was called on it - even by the MSM who asked him if he would apologize. McLame replied that Romney is the one who needs to apologize to our troops. Yikes ... INSANE McCAIN

And with the passing of McCain-Feingold, Romney could not run an ad within 30 days of the election in FL to refute McCain's lie. What a sly use of his own legislation.

All the major newspapers are endorsing McCain. What does that tell you? And the press is displaying folks saying McCain is the only electable candidate on the GOP ticket. What does that tell you? And the head of the DNC says McCain is the most feared candidate. What does that tell you. Yep, the Dems want McCain to run against their candidate.

When a GOP candidate is similar to the Dem in a presidential election, they NEVER win. The only time the GOP wins is when there is an appreciable difference in views and solutions between their candidate and the Dems. Think about it, about 30% of the country is liberal and 30% conservative. If the GOP runs a RINO and the 30% GOP base stays home or votes for the independent or libertarian, duh... no rocket science here Don't buy into all this McCain golden-boy CRAP.

Will the Kennedy endorsement be the ultimate death blow to the Osama Obama campaign. Do people outside the left and right coasts really want someone that liberal? And Kennedy has been oh so effective endorsing Gore and Kerry.

And here's my last thought for the day. I predict that White Americans will ultimately not vote for a black or a woman for president. When it actually comes time to punch a chad or pull a lever for the President of the United States, the decision will mean so much more than answering a pollster or voting in a primary. Hey, I would vote for a good black or female conservative, but I just have this feeling that meat n potatos middle Americans will have a hard time voting for Obama or Clinton when it comes down to it.

Perhaps it is just wishful thinking. But in the case of any Dem candidate against McCain, there is no wish - just a nightmare for America's future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The day after the FL primary: If Hucklebuck stays in through next Tuesday, it's lights out for Mitt. He is splitting the conservatives. That's why Johnny Mac is winning.

Tim Russert says McCain is dangling the VP spot before Huckaboo to keep him in the race.

Don't know if there is a happy end in sight here.