Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Have you heard the one about the insane Hunter?

Obama may sound smart but I really have my doubts. Today I heard one of his stump speeches. Besides sounding like a Black Baptist preacher his ideas are really scarey. With my own ears I heard proof that he is indeed more liberal than Hillary.

He talked about voting against the bill which would make declaring bankruptcy more difficult and put down Edwards and Clinton for voting for it. He wants to tax everybody (well, everybody but the po' fok). Taxing the oil companies for this and the pharmaceutical companies for that and the insurance companies for the other. Yikes.

Then he talked a bit about Bush's "crazy" idea of privatizing social security. He asked the crowd how they would like to have their retirement dollars invested in today's stock market. Of course the ignorant crowd screamed, "NO." How wrong they are... Excuse me Obama, do you have your retirement dollars invested in the stock market? Hell yeah.

To point at this extremely volatile market as an illustration of how bad privatization is is downright criminal for many reasons. First, your investment would be in index funds reflecting the general market and would be moved to more conservative investments as you moved closer to retirement age. By the time you were ready to retire, all your funds should be in cash equivalents with, perhaps, a small percentage of bonds and equities. Secondly, when you die, the remaining money goes to your beneficiaries. That is the REAL reason liberals will never allow privatization. Middle class and wealthy people pay a hell of a lot more into the system than they get out - and when they die, their spouse gets some spare change and the government keeps the pot of money.

Speaking of sound economic sense, Rush Limbaugh has gotten into the swing of things. He has recently published 2 options for an economic stimulus package:

"The Limbaugh stimulus package will pay all mortgages, credit card bills, car loans, and teenaged kids' overages on minutes used for text messaging. This is easy. I could get elected tomorrow!"

The Limbaugh stimulus package: Wipe out all overdue mortgage and credit card debt. Pass a law that the DOW can't fall below 11,000. Since work stress kills, nobody will have to work -- but they'll keep their current income with yearly raises for inflation, with full health care and Social Security.

The scary thing is, I think Rush stole these from Obama...

And what's this about Duncan Hunter? Has the man gone insane?

Hunter came out today with an endorsement of the Huckabilly. He mentioned integrity and immigration control (on which he changed his stance only recently). Duncan, what about the guys liberal big government tax and spend positions and his wish to build a theocracy? The campaign trail has done irreparable harm to poor Duncan.

It's up to Mitt to save the country.

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