Sunday, January 20, 2008

Where are the Republicans?

Another caucus and another primary behind us and I'm still wondering, "Where Are the Republicans?". True elephants that believe in the GOP platform - not RINOs that think that McCain and Huckabee are our only hope.

Headlines recently pronounced that moderates propelled McCain to #1 in South Carolina. Why are these moderates voting in a GOP primary? Would they truly prefer Obama or Clinton in a general election but since they are registered Republican they vote for McCain and Huckabee (#1 and #2 in SC). After all, why vote for the watered down liberal when you could have the real thing! At least Fred had a respectable third place finish. I really hope he doesn't drop out just yet (especially since I just put on my bumper sticker!).

Another interesting thought is all the fuss with Romney and Mormonism. I think people fear that he might get in office and try to set up a theocracy. YET... evangelicals are voting for Huckabee in the hopes that he DOES set up a theocracy. Kinda weird, huh?

Bill recently said that people have stopped dancing on Hillary's grave. As long as she is truly in the grave I, personally, would have no need to dance.

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