Monday, February 4, 2008

Heeeeeere's Hillary

Even Newt is saying we need to grab our ankles and like it:

Gingrich: 'We need to shrug off McCain... he is likely to be the nominee... McCain is well positioned as reformer against a machine politician like Hillary... Obama most left wing candidate to run since McGovern'...

Even Bob Dole got in the act saying a table from the Senate Library shows that McCain’s voting record — as measured by support for the president — mirrored that of the ultra- conservative former U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms and that he is pro-life, pro-guns, an advocate for constructionist judges...

But look what he also stands for: amnesty for illegals, not making the Bush tax cuts permanent, infringing on free speech in political campaigns, and making pacts with other devils such as Kennedy and Feingold.

On the other side we have Robert De Niro endorsing Obama and Jack Nicholson endorsing Hillary. Can't you just see Hillary playing that Nicholson role? "Heeeeeere's Hillary!"

There was some encouraging news today, the Zogby polling shows Romney ahead in California and his lead growing. He is saturating the TV and radio in the Central Valley with some very good ads, BTW. Everybody say your prayers for a truly SUPER Tuesday.

Don't forget to vote often tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Mr. Zogby needs to rework his polling paradigm. No good.