Friday, February 8, 2008

Yes, we can!

I was inspired to take a shot at a Obama speech. You all know what I am talking about when I say he is good at saying nothing.... well, here's my example. (Barack, call me, we'll do lunch)

Brothers and Sisters... it is so good to see you all here tonight. We gather to show the world that Change is Alive...... Hope is Alive..... Do not despair because tonight, I tell you from the very depths of my soul... Yes, we can!

Our message has resounded from the blue states to the red, from the wealthy to the needy, from the educated to those in desperate need for help getting a decent education, from those with adequate healthcare to those who desperately need healthcare.... To you all I say, Yes, we can!

This is a wonderful country but we are all a part of a global community. We are all connected. We all must exist together, talk together, protect our environment together, care for each other.... Yes, we can!

This primary season has been filled with good times. It’s been so wonderful meeting with the mothers and fathers of this nation. The workers - the people who make this country tick. But the clock is ticking my friends, we have more states to go.... we have a nation to fix.... We have people to heal.... Yes, we can!


Anonymous said...

Are you sure that was a spoof? <:o

Glenn Dembroff said...

Yes it is. It's fun, It's easy. Anybody can do it. Try it at home! "Empty Words" - a game that is sweeping the nation...