Monday, January 21, 2008

Thar She Blows

Remember that scene from Men In Black where the alien explodes and Will Smith is totally covered in slime? I sort of expected that at the CNN South Carolina debates today. Obama and Hillary showed how they really feel and came close to meltdown. Perhaps if the cameras were not rolling they would have gotten into it right there on the floor (how's that for theater of the mind?). It would have been a tag team event with Bill and Hillary as a team against Obama with Edwards ready to represent the loser in the courtroom for some BIG bucks.

The nerve... Talk about the pot calling the kettle black (no pun intended - -really!)... Hillary calling Obama a liar - saying he is misrepresenting his votes and experience. Give me a break.

Sort of funny that she throws the upper cut with the accusation of Obama representing a Chicago slumlord and his puny comeback punch was "Oh yeah? Well you're a Corporate lawyer for anti-union Wal*Mart."

Then Reagan got dragged through the mud with B. Hussein defending his Reagan comment only to have Hillary innocently say "It wasn't me." Sure, it was Big Bill the Henchman - the newly-assigned pitbull and mouthpiece for Hillary.

Speaking of Bill, have you seen the video of him falling asleep during the MLK ceremonies? I'm sure you'll be hearing he's been fighting the flu or something like that as a cover to the true story. But the funniest part is when his head, propped by his hand, does the ol' head nod down toward his lap and he catches himself and snaps his head back and then forward and back again to make it look like he is acknowledging the speaker's comment. Only thing is, I didn't hear anything to acknowledge. But I digress...

The poor little rich lawyer was so out of the picture at the debate. He had to fight for some airtime.

"Why would you over 100 times vote present?" Edwards pointedly challenged Obama (in reference to his Illinois voting record). Obama's response was "Don't question, John, that on issue after issue that is important to the American people, I haven't followed. I have led." I wish I knew where voting "Present" led us to...

I heard a bit of a Hillary speech in Florida on XM Radio's POTUS '08 channel. I cringe. The currency printing presses will be burning up if she gets in the White House. We all know about Universal Health Care but she also wants Universal Preschool (to give out flavored condoms to 5 year olds?) and to give everyone about $800 to pay for their high energy costs. She also wants to freeze the interest rate on mortgages for 5 years (you can tell she never had a real job!). The list went on and on - I had to change the channel and go back to Classic Rock for a cool down period. I must admit, it is extremely dangerous to listen to a liberal while driving.

Today Rush Limbaugh actually admitted that there is a possibility that he wouldn't vote for the Republican candidate on the ticket for the first time ever for him. I know what he means. I think my Fred bumper sticker is only relevant for another 2 weeks at the most. Maybe I need to get some anti-John McManiac or anti-Huckabilly stickers made.

Mitt is my second choice and he is still looking good. REAL Republicans just should not be voting for those "moderate" slimeballs. Rudy? Well, I think he's toast. He may make it on the veep side of a ticket, though. It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.


Jill said...

You should get more people reading this. It's witty and thoughtful. How do you get "out there"??

Anonymous said...

I was nauseated before I read your blog.........RRRRRRaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllffffffffffff! Why don't you run for president Glenn?

Anonymous said...

Barf. Run for President Glenn
Dembrovsky for Presidovsky. Doesn't that sound better than Barak Hussein Obama?