Sunday, January 6, 2008

Scary candidates and dead computers

I awoke this morning to a dead laptop. In case you own an HP laptop, my advance condolences to you. HP and Compaq produce the most mass-produced pieces of techno junk in the country. The dead carcass in the living room will be the last HP in my home.

Now, a few observations from last night's ABC/Facebook NH Debate. First, John McCain and Hillary Clinton have serious mean streaks. Have you noticed that after McCain is mean he smiles as if to sell it as a joke and not be held accountable for his comment. Sorry Johnny, I don't buy it. I would not want you representing the United States in any serious negotiation or crisis. And Hillary... she showed a glimpse into her lamp-throwing mode last night. That lady is downright scary. If she is not the Dem candidate, she will melt down and go ballistic.

The second thing I noticed was how the Dems went after Obama as a team. He is the leader right now and must be knocked off the log. The Republicans, however, went after Romney even though Huckabee is the frontrunner. Is this a sign that none of the other candidates take his win seriously?

Lastly, last night I noticed that NONE of the Dem candidates are presidential. I can not see any one of them as President. Obama puts on a good show but if you dissect his statements, he says nothing. Edwards and Obama are fluff and Hillary is less than that. And where does she get that "35 years of experience" line she used about 5 or 6 times? I guess if you say it long enough people will believe it. 35 years ago she was what, 25 years old. Was she a volunteer on some candidates campaign putting flyers on doorknobs? She's not a nice person (sorry Obama, she is not "nice enough").

I disapprove of Fox News not allowing Ron Paul on their debate. The other candidates should not participate. Paul is a bit of a kook but he got 10% in IA and has some good ideas. Fox claims the debate would be recorded from a trailer and there was no room for more candidates. Fox not able to afford a bigger space - come on! CNN is rerunning the ABC/Facebook debate against the Fox GOP debate. I can't blame them.

1 comment:

Silly Scantron Co. said...

If you check out the Torrey blog, JMR has some pretty good commentary on those debates.

My take:

They all suck! All of them! RUN AWAY