Sunday, February 10, 2008


Remember 2000 - the year voters were disenfranchised? The year the majority voted for Gore yet Bush was elected. Remember the outrage?

You ain't seen nothin' yet.

The Democratic Convention is going to be the next Mt. St. Helens eruption.

Neither Obama nor Hillary will have the needed delegates for the nomination. Enter the "Super Delegates" - no, not super heroes but super political hacks. Members deeply entrenched in the Democratic Party. The worst of the worst. These super delegates (796 total) will most likely be called upon to break the tie.

Obama will probably lead in delegates and Hillary will get the nomination. Whoa.... That She Blows!!!

As of 2/10/08...Delegates..........Super Delegates.........TOTAL (2025 needed)

Can you imagine the rhetoric? "The racist Democratic Party wrestles the nomination away from Obama." "Not since 2000 have we seen such voter disenfranchisement." "Obama supportes vow to sit out the November election."

Having McCain as the nominee for the elephants is definitely the dark cloud but the upcoming dem eruption could be downright fun! (Hey McCain, you're liberal enough... why don't you put damaged-goods Obama on the ticket as your VP?)

MY pick for Veep is Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. If you don't know him, check out this interview:

Limbaugh interviews Bobby Jindal

Jindal would bring in the conservatives.
Jindal would help deliver the South
Jindal would show the nation that the GOP is progressive too with a black ("person of color") on the ticket

Just my $0.02 - - keep the change


Anonymous said...

You're right. Jindal is the MAN.

But, two quick points:

1st, while Jindal is a "person of color", he is not Black; he's an East Indian. Former Hindu to Catholic convert via Evangelicalism.

2nd, LA really needs Jindal as governor more than the Elephants need him as Veep. For the first time in history there is real hope that the corruption of LA politics is going to be dealt with decisively.

Please give him a few years in the Bayou before sending him to the Potomac.

Glenn Dembroff said...

I know Jindal is doing a great job "cleaning house" in LA but we have to think of the "greater good". :-)

McCain would never pick him anyway. Jindal would upstage him constantly. But, in y fantasy world, it would create a stage for a conservative "fresh face" to perhpas get access to D.C. politics on a large scale.